“Octopus is positioning itself in a market that no one has yet dominated. Its main focus is not to sell industrial screens, but to ensure that the content displayed on the screen returns to sales in the most accurate way possible.”
“A cost-effective, efficient, and user-friendly platform for managing living spaces, offering a single package that includes employee check-in/check-out and visitor management services without the need for separate services.”
W3yz.com bir internet sitesi
oluşturma platformudur. Kullanıcılarına herhangibir deneyim veya kod bilgisi
gerekmeksizin sürükle-bırak sistemi ile web site yapmasını sağlar.
“AugeLab Studio provides a wonderful assistant for managing quality control, object detection, and product inspection processes, offering a smart management system that you can design yourself.”
“Yurt dışından Türkiye'ye saglık
turizmi için gelecek kişilere en iyi klinigi sunan ve pek çok açıdan kliniklerin
degerlendirmesini saglayan saglık turizmi dikeyinde pazar yeri modeli ile çalışan
“Vawraek Studios aims to bring innovation to the video game industry while remaining active in the global market. Vawraek Studios aims to be one of the industry leaders with advanced technologies and AI systems.. Vawraek is going to present the biggest MMORPG universe in the world to the global audience with their new game, Quinfall”
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It’s not about ideas, it’s about you
As early stage investors, we see ourselves as the 'water' that startups need to grow and thrive. By providing the right mix of resources, mentorship, and capital, we help our portfolio companies take root, grow and reach their full potential.